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Integrately te ayuda a conectar Twist con otras aplicaciones en instantes.

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Integrately helps you in creating automations with just one click. Using Integrately you can quickly create simple one-to-one workflows or create complex workflows without using any code. You can choose from over 250,000 ready-to-use integrations or even easily build your own!

Integrating Twist with Integrately lets you sync tasks across other apps that you use. You can connect your Twist messages with spreadsheets, communication tools, calendars, and marketing apps in no time at all.


  • Send messages on Twist when Google Calendar events are created.
  • Post new form submissions to a Twist thread.
  • Log new Twist messages in a spreadsheet.
  • Send emails when a message is received on Twist.
  • Post a message on Twist when tasks are created in Todoist or CRM.

Invierte en la comunicación de tu equipo.

Utiliza Twist de forma gratuita, para siempre. O actualiza para obtener integraciones, almacenamiento e invitados ilimitados, además de acceso al historial completo de comentarios y mensajes de tu equipo.

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