If your business depends upon teamwide collaboration, you’ll want everyone on the same page and in the same place. The cloud technology of Box is bound to simplify how you work with smart sharing for documents and files. Of course, that’s all useless if it’s not secure. That’s why Box features advanced security controls, intelligent threat-detection, and total information governance.
Connecting Twist and Box means that you can get work done much faster. Share files, work together on important content, and keep track of tasks and reviews, thanks to this integration made possible by Zapier. What’s even better is that the whole set-up process for the connection takes minutes and involves zero code.
Connessioni più usate
- Get pinged right in Twist when there’s a new task, comment, file, or folder for you to take a look at in Box.
- Kickstart the collaboration by automatically creating a new file or folder each time you add a thread to Twist.
- Plus, when there’s a new comment posted in an important thread, you can post it to a Box file, too. That way everyone is on the same page, no matter where they’re working.
Come connettere le app con Twist usando Zapier
- Clicca sul bottone Connetti per iniziare.
- Se hai già un account su Twist e su Zapier, ti verrà chiesto di accedere e quindi di scegliere l'app che vuoi connettere con Twist.
- Scegli quale app vuoi usare come tigger (l’evento in un'app che dà inizio all'automazione).
- Scegli l'azione risultante che vuoi ottenere nell'alltra app.
- Seleziona le informazioni che vuoi inviare tra le app.
- Fatto! Adesso puoi goderti un lavoro di squadra tranquillo e libero da distrazioni.